I am trying to export my notebook as a pdf (via tex) which fails (already opened a ticket for that). When I download the tex file, the image references (with html tags in a markdown cell) are not included. How can I include the images in the tex file ?
I confirm, without the ----- separation lines the pdf via latex is well produced - however still withouth images.
The display/output of images works fine with markdown cells in the Jupyter notebook. The proposed solution will display the images in an awkward sub-window in the Jupyter notebook, while still not including them in the pdf export. (independent if I use the SWAN export or the command line jupyter nbconvert). Downloading a html export to the same folder however does correctly reference and display the images in the html page.
I see, images are still not displayed - maybe because it is markdown. Can you try IPython.display.Latex or something different instead of IPython.display. Markdown [1][2] ?
But in case you show images with latex, maybe better that you use jupyter nbconvert FLASH_parameters_for_RP.ipynb --to=pdf --TemplateExporter.exclude_input=True to hide code
Interesting enough … when I include the image twice, once as html reference and once as latex reference, the latex reference does not find the image in the Jupyter nb but is kept in the tex export and correctly interpreted.
In the notebook code, you can do ! jupyter nbconvert...
You do not need to use SWAN terminal, you can do it from the notebook. You can execute any bash command like it, even with redirection of output to not show in the PDF.
Markus, make sure to save the file in SWAN. I actually do not see the reason why on your laptop it should work, and in SWAN not. I can check in your shared project