Could you install the Juypter extension “webio_jupyter_extension” on SWAN? Interactive Julia Jupyter notebooks (e.g. using Interact.jl) rely on WebIO.jl for communication between UI and kernel, but this requires the “webio_jupyter_extension” on the Jupyter server side.
I can confirm that a system-wide installation of the “webio_jupyter_extension” will work with JupyterHub though (NERSC installed it recently on their JupyterHub).
How many users are using it? To install it system-wide, I think we need at least a number of users requiring it, otherwise, we encourage the users to install it in the home directory.
if there is a group of users requiring it, we can evaluate to put it system-wide.
Julia packages are saved in your home directory ~/.julia,
when you install a package may some of them requires to be compiled,
in the case of WebIO is a compiled package for PlotlyJS.
You can see it when you run import Pkg; Pkg.add("PlotlyJS")