Jupyter lost connection with CERNBox after 24 hours

Hi all,
I have a problem with the connection of my python project with CERNBox for file saving.
I have a simple routine that save files on CERNBox every 2-3 hours with this code:

np.savetxt(“data/signal61_0011_out.txt”, cars, delimiter=";", fmt=’%s’)

I noted that after 24 hours of execution it can not reach CERNBox and I have to reload the cloud session.
How can I solve this problem?
Thank you,


Dear Gianfranco,

SWAN sessions/containers that are idle are automatically stopped after a grace period (~6hours).

We currently only support interactive use cases. We don’t support scheduling or long running workloads as they are better supported by other services at CERN (see ACRON service, Gitlab CI or other dedicated tools)

Also particularly, the authentication tokens we generate are only kept refreshed/valid for the duration of your browser based interactive session.

For any issues, feel free to open a ticket on ServiceNow.

Krishnan Raghavan
SWAN Support