No CERN credential but aiming to explore SWAN

In the SWAN Help I read:

“In SWAN, CERNBox is your home directory. It is the space where you can store your files, including notebooks, and share them with other colleagues. Prior to using SWAN, you need to create your CERNBox by logging in to this page with your CERN credentials at least once.”

I have no CERN credentials but as a Physics Education Researcher in the field of Particle Physics I would like to explore the possibility to build educational environments in SWAN. Is there a chance for me to do this?
Lorenzo Galante

SWAN provides you Jupyterhub, you can set up a Jupyterhub anywhere you want (e.g school computing resources), and you prepare a unified environment on it (having pyROOT, Numpy, Scipy etc.).

SWAN gives you access to some CERN infrastructure which is probably not important for educational purpose.

Dear Galante,

You can deploy SWAN in your own computer or in your own infrastructure thanks to Science Box. This is the best way to try it.

It is true that we provide Jupyter on demand on top of CERN’s infrastructure, but it’s also true that we have some addons on top of vanilla Jupyter (for example, the integration of CVMFS that allows you to use a complete software environment, just like our researchers do, without having to worry about installing packages).

I recommend you read the documentation of Science Box and come back to us if you have any other question. This forum even has a category for it!
