Dear experts,
I am trying to open a .root file in my local folder or /eos within spark. I have found several different approaches to this but none work for me. I tried:
“df =“org.dianahep.sparkroot.experimental”).load(“new_files/mytuple1.root”)” which returns “Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o197.load.
: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Failed to find data source: org.dianahep.sparkroot.experimental.”
““root://”)” which returns " Path does not exist: "
I have also tried to use a PyRDF.RDataFrame for which I can import my data but then I get the error that, for example, it has no attribute “Filter” or “Histo1D” which are used in CERN examples.
Is there something special that I need to do or import or anything else that I am missing?
Any help is greatly appreciated!