I am writing with probably a bit exotic yet a relevant question for the upcoming restart of the LHC (hardware commissioning campaign, in particular). Is it possible to execute a SWAN notebook with parameters provided through an URL (as shown in https://github.com/manics/jupyter-notebookparams)?
We have made a suite of notebooks for analysis that require input start and end times. Both come from a separate application that we could equip with a button opening a parameterised URL to a notebook.
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
Yes it is possible to execute parameterized jupyter notebooks with a trigger / manually. I have a curated example in the below repo with papermill, gitlab pipelines and save the output as pdf in EOS
thank you very much for a swift response. Would this option allow for manual execution of cells with input parameters provided by the URL? Our users are interested in zooming plots to perform an analysis.