Opening a pdf from SWAN?

Dear SWAN community,

I am facing an issue for quite a long time now and I figured out that probably this forum was the good place to ask if there is a solution (and I am sure there is).
When I am navigating through my project/files/mess with SWAN, I would like to be able to open pdf, just as it is done with CERNBox. I’m pretty sure it used to be possible with SWAN, but now, it just opens a new tab, without loading the pdf.
Is there a way to get this feature back?

Thanks a lot in advance!

Dear Axel,

I just tried to open a PDF on SWAN by clicking on its name on the file list of a project and it worked (I used Chrome). What browser are you using?


Dear Enric,

Thanks for your reply. I am using Chrome as well. But when I try to open whatever pdf, I just got an empty tab like that:

I just want to second this - I’ve also never been able to open a pdf directly from SWAN (with chrome or safari). Would be nice to fix!

@dalvesde any idea of what could be the issue here?

Correction: for me it works on Firefox but not on Chrome.

Might be related to this:

Dear Enric,

Indeed I installed the PDF viewer extension for Chrome and now it works! I haven’t been through the whole discussion you sent, but it seems to be a possible solution. I don’t know if it the best though since it adds dependencies.

thanks a lot!

Dear Axel,
Glad it worked, it seems that the changes in Jupyter mentioned in the PR above trigger some restriction from Chrome. We will of course keep the Jupyter version up to date and incorporate a fix when (if) it comes.

Thank you very much for your help.

