Upgrading pandas version available on SWAN

Hello SWAN team,

The latest version available of pandas is 0.24.2 whereas the one that appears on SWAN when running a ‘pip freeze’ for software stack ‘95a Python3’ is 0.23.3. I have some scripts that rely on functionality introduced in 0.24.0, and manually installing a more up-to-date pandas version with pip on my CERNBox won’t work long-term as I am expected to have the scripts work ‘out of the box’ on SWAN.

I am basically just wondering if an upgrade of the pandas package is planned for the near future of SWAN and if so roughly when. It is not a game breaker, but it would save me a bit of hot fixing if the pandas version were to be upgraded in the near future.

Thanks a ton!
All the best,

Dear Joel,

For its software configuration, SWAN relies on the LCG releases, where many packages are distributed together. LCG 95 is the latest LCG release, but there will be another one in (roughly) a couple of months. The content of the LCG releases is controlled by a team of librarians that are in close contact with the experiments to satisfy their needs in terms of software packages.

If you would like to update pandas in the LCG releases, so that LCG 96 has the version you wish, you can open a ticket to the librarians here:


where you make your request (please specify if you want it for Python2, Python3 or both). You can mention you are a SWAN user.

Note that, if they update it, you will be able to test it right away from SWAN by selecting the “Bleeding edge” stack.


Alright, very good! Thanks for the information Enric, I’ll go have a look!

All the best,