Using custom.css on swan

Dear all,
how can I tell swan to use my custom.css instead of the default one? May be I should do it via the Environment script at startup, but I have no idea what to write in the shell script. An example would be very welcomed.
Thanks a lot
Best Regards

Dear Antonio,
I guess you could declare the css in the template file (/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/notebook/templates/page.html), where these things are set, using your startup script…
But is there any particular reason why you want this?

Thanks Diogo,
I would like to have the opportunity to customize colors, fonts and things like that for my notebook.
The point is that I have no idea which environment variable swan looks for setting up the custom.css so I don’t know what to setu in my startup script.
I can live without for the moment, but if you can point me where these things are defined it would be great.
Thanks a lot
Best Regards

Hi Antonio,
There are no variables. We just set the css file in the template:
What you need to add is the corresponding html code to load external css files and point it somewhere where this file lives.